«The Digital Future of Norway»
Digitalization is set to help us address the societal challenges we face, such as labor shortages and the need for transformation. But how are we actually going to achieve this, and what does it entail?
In the recent digitalization strategy, The Digital Future of Norway, the government aims to make Norway the most digitalized country in the world by 2030.
We invite you to join the big digitalization debate!
Language: Norwegian
Seminar: «The Digital Future of Norway»
When: Desember 5, 2024 - 14:00 - 16:30
Where: OsloMet, Fyrhuset kafé, Pilestredet 52, Oslo
Language: Norwegian
Registration: https://nettskjema.no/a/458759#/page/1
14:00-14:45: Presentations by Christen Krogh (OsloMet), Asbjørn Finstad (KS) and Bjørn Vatne (author and journalist)
Christen Krogh asks “If Norway has ambitions to become one of the most digitalized countries in the world, what could be the consequences of having an unclear concept of digitalization?”
Asbjørn Finstad will provide an overview of the ecosystem of challenges facing Norwegian municipalities and argue why digitalization is the most important tool we need to realize new opportunities and solve many of the major challenges we face.
Bjørn Vatne outlines various scenarios of a fully digitalized society.
Marit Haldar: moderator
14:45: Panel discussion
Marit Brochmann (Agenda Kaupang), Øyvind Henriksen (Nordre Follo Municipality), Arvid Ellingsen (LO), Tereza Østbø Kuldova (OsloMet)
16:00-16:30: Discussion
Christen Krogh is the rector at OsloMet. He has a PhD in legal theory, philosophy, and informatics and has a long academic career across various research and educational institutions. Krogh asks: If Norway has ambitions to become one of the most digitalized countries in the world, what could be the consequences of having an unclear concept of digitalization?
Arbjørn Finstad is the Director of Strategic ICT and Digitalization at the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS). He has extensive leadership experience in the healthcare sector and other public services. Finstad will provide an overview of the ecosystem of challenges facing Norwegian municipalities and argue why digitalization is the most important tool we need to realize new opportunities and solve many of the major challenges we face.
Bjørn Vatne is an author and journalist with an educational background in sociology and media studies. He is currently the head of the Norwegian Authors' Union. Vatne has written several books that portray a dystopian view of digital development. In his presentation, Vatne outlines various scenarios of a fully digitalized society.
Marit Brochmann is the CEO of the consulting firm Agenda Kaupang. She holds a PhD in political science and has extensive experience in projects focused on the public sector. Agenda Kaupang assists the municipal sector in their digital transformation processes and is familiar with many of the practical challenges, as well as the potential benefits that digitalization can bring.
Øyvind Henriksen is the municipal director in Nordre Follo and the highest-ranking administrative leader in the municipality. He has over 30 years of leadership experience in the municipal sector. Henriksen is currently leading a radical municipal transformation process and has strategic plans where digitalization is a key tool.
Arvid Ellingsen is a senior advisor in the Department of Social and Economic Affairs at the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) and the head of the “Nasjonalt fagskoleråd”. He is particularly engaged in education, the environment, democracy, and the labor movement. LO and Ellingsen will represent the perspective of workers. How does the digitalization process look from that standpoint?
Tereza Østbø Kuldova is a social anthropologist and researcher at the Work Research Institute (AFI), OsloMet. Her academic interests include algorithmic governance, surveillance, crime, and artificial intelligence in the welfare state and the labor market. Kuldova has a particular interest in how digital logic shapes societal and security governance.
Marit Haldar is a professor of sociology at the Department of Social Work (OsloMet) and the head of the CEDIC research center. Haldar's research focuses on childhood, old age, gender, family, social inequality, and the consequences of the digitalization of the welfare state.
What is CEDIC Talks?
The Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) is the host institution for the research school DIGIT. CEDIC has a monthly lecture series called CEDIC Talks, that aims to broaden our knowledge and awareness about ongoing research in Europe about digitalization processes and their social consequences.
The lectures are open, and both DIGIT members and others are welcome to participate.