Brussels seminar
In the seminar you will meet invited speakers from the EU institutions, and Brussel-based civil society organisations that work with EU's digital strategy.
When: June 18-20, 2025
Where: Brussels
Deadline: March 15 (changed from April 1)
Funding: Funding: DIGIT will cover accommodation during the stay in Brussels. Travel to and from Brussels has to be covered individually.
Who is it for? DIGIT members. We have space for 15 participants. Post doc fellows, persons close to finalize their thesis and persons who focus on the EU in their research, will be given priority. We will aim for a balance in the share of participants between the university partners in DIGIT.
NB: Brussels seminar overlaps with the PhD summer school.
In the seminar you will meet invited speakers from the EU institutions, and Brussel-based civil society organisations that work with EU's digital strategy. You will learn about the research and policy agendas these actors work with, and how researchers and European stakeholders can work together to increase the impact of the research. You will also learn about the funding opportunities in the Horizon Europe program after you have finished your PhD, Marie curie fellowships and ERC staring grants.
Tentative program
Introduction to EU institutions: A guided tour in the European Parliament and introduction to the EU institutions. Meetings with Brussel based Norwegian stakeholders and European civil society organizations working with the EU institutions.
EU funding opportunities: Introduction to the European Research Council (ERC), the Horizon Europe program including the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MCSA) postdoctoral fellowship and ERC starting grants programs. Workshop with mock review of grant applications.
EU policies on digitalization: Policy briefing with staff in the European Commission services about Europe’s digital future.
Rune Halvorsen
Halvorsen, PhD in sociology, is professor of social policy at OsloMet and co-director of the Centre for the study of digitalization of public services and citizenship (CEDIC) and DIGIT Research School. He has coordinated and participated in several cross-national and cross-disciplinary research projects funded by the EU (FP7 and Horizon 2020 collaborative projects, Marie Curie ITN and IFs), the Nordic Council and the Research Council of Norway. Halvorsen has broad experience in evaluating research proposal for the Horizon Europe. He is currently the Norwegian PI in the project ‘Sustainable wellbeing through investment in social services’ (SWINS) funded by Horizon Europe and the supervisor of two Marie Curie post docs.
Halla Bjørk Holmarsdottir
Holmarsdottir is a professor at OsloMet Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher and adjunct professor at Østfold University College, Department of Education, ICT and Learning. She is a professor in Multicultural and International Education with over 25 years of work experience and research in education, including digital technology and its effects on children and young people, gender issues in education, youth and innovation and teacher education. She is the coordinator of a large-scale European Research project funded by Horizon 2020 entitled The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation (DigiGen) and is a member of the EU funded project Strategies for Achieving Equity and Inclusion in Education, Training and Learning in Democratic Europe (STRIDE).
Please feel free to contact the DIGIT coordinator should you have any questions.