The World as a Testbed — Online Reading Group
There is a general trend in industry and research to make society “AI ready” which also became an important concern in government. This is often accompanied by an accelerated implementation of AI into different societal settings and governmental operations itself, in which fast implementations and real-world scenarios became the testing ground for such technologies. But how do we study those new and fast innovation movements and its impact on society from an STS and social science perspective?
Over three online meetings we will read several of Noortje Marres’ work on the societal impact of tech testing and trials as well as some supporting articles which her work draws from. In the final meeting Marres will join us online.
The group is organized in collaboration with the TIK center at the University of Oslo, and it is part of this years TIK 25 anniversary.
Online Reading Group
Sep 27 - Session 1 - 14:00-15:00 Introduction
Oct 11 - Session 2 - 14:00-15:00 Theory / Concepts
Oct 28 - Session 3 - 14:00-15:00; AI and testing with Noortje Marres
Where: Zoom
Who is it for? The reading group is primarily for participants of the DIGIT research school. However, unless there is an overwhelming turnout, it is open to others as well.
There is a general trend in industry and research to make society “AI ready” which also became an important concern in government. This is often accompanied by an accelerated implementation of AI into different societal settings and governmental operations itself, in which fast implementations and real-world scenarios became the testing ground for such technologies. But how do we study those new and fast innovation movements and its impact on society from an STS and social science perspective?
Since it can be challenging as a social scientist to study the changes that occur in our research field, we thought to initiate a research group and discuss such problems with Noortje Marres, Professor in Science, Technology and Society in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick. She has written extensively on issues of digital technologies and testing
In this reading group we want to get better acquainted with Marres´ work on the societal impact of tech testing and trials. Over three meetings we will read several of Marres articles, as well as some supporting articles which her work draws from. In the final meeting Marres will join us online. Here she will provide a brief introduction to her work and address any questions we may have."
How do I participate?
Sign up through the link above to receive a zoom invitation and ascribed literature. Then, read the assigned texts, and prepare some reflections on how these readings can illuminate your own field of study/empirical material (if applicable). We know that people come from different disciplines and might have little or no knowledge of Marres work from beforehand, but this is open for everyone and should be a space for intellectual exploration. So tag along!
Program and readings
1. Session; Introduction (27.09, 14:00-15:00)
Orit Halpern (2019) The Planetary Test
Marres (2020) Put to the test: For a new sociology of testing
Additional reading;
Marres (2017) How to think sociologically about the digital society?
Grill (2022) Constructing Certainty in Machine Learning: On the performativity of testing and
its hold on the future.
2. Session; Theory / Concepts (11.10, 14:00-15:00)
Marres (2024) How tech trials test society: trials of implicitness (innovation eco-systems)
Additional reading;
Rouvroy (2013) The end(s) of critique
Star (1989)
3. Session; AI and testing with Noortje Marres (TBA: most likely a date between 28.10-01.11)
Marres (2024) AI as super-controversy: Eliciting AI and society controversies with an extended expert community in the UK
Additional reading;
Louise Amoore (2023) Machine learning political orders
Baumer et.a. (2024) Algorithmic Subjectivities
Goal of the reading group
Get acquainted with the work of Noortje Marres
Learn methods and approaches to studying the digital through an STS and sociological perspective.
Learn how to study digital technologies "beyond the laboratory" and the diverse forms of testing in societal settings as critical interfaces between science, engineering, nature and society.
Noortje Marres
Noortje Marres is a Professor in Science, Technology and Society in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick.
The reading group is organised by Tanja Knaus and Torjus Solheim Eckhoff, both PhD candiates at the TIK centre, in collaboration with DIGIT, and it is part of this years TIK 25 anniversary.
Please feel free to contact the DIGIT coordinator should you have any questions.