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Writing retreat with DIGIT

  • Losby Gods 270 Losbyveien Finstadjordet, Akershus, 1475 Norway (map)

Writing retreat with DIGIT 

Would you like to participate in a three-day workshop focused on academic writing?

The aim of this retreat is to bring participants together in a quiet environment to concentrate exclusively on scientific writing. The program will include dedicated time for active writing as well as peer-to-peer discussions in groups. Each participant will also receive personalized feedback on their text from the course leaders.

Writing Retreat

When: 21-23 May 2025

Where: Losby Gods

Application deadline: 1 April

Application: Please note, your place is not reserved until you here back from us. We have limited capacity (12 spots).

Prerequisites: A paper draft (2000-4000 words), kappa draft or similar must be submitted in English or a Scandinavian language by May 15 at the latest. Please upload your draft here:

The writing retreat is open for DIGIT members only. All reasonable costs (economy travel up to 2500 NOK) and full board at the hotel will be covered.


The workshop is structured to provide you with dedicated and uninterrupted time for individual writing. In addition to focused sessions for drafting your text, the workshop will include peer-to-peer feedback sessions, walk-and-talk discussions, and personalized feedback from the course leaders. Participants will be organized into smaller writing groups, where you will present your paper to your colleagues and the course leaders. You will also serve as a discussant for the work of your fellow group members.

To maintain focus, we ask all participants to fully commit to the entire program and refrain from external obligations during the days.

The workshop will be led by director in DIGIT, Marit Haldar and one additional senior staff member in DIGIT.

Please scroll down to view the preliminary program.

Preliminary program

Wednesday May 21

13.00 – 14.00: Lunch

14.00 – 14:15: How to give constructive feedback

14.15 – 16.00: Group work with paper presentation, discussion and feedback

16.00 – 16.30: Snack break

16.30 – 19:00: Writing-session

19:00 - 19:30: Break

19.30 -: Dinner

Thursday May 22

07.00 – 09.00: Breakfast

09.00 – 12.00: Writing-session

12.00 – 13.00: Lunch

13.00 – 17.00: Writing-session (snacks at 16:00)

17.00 – 19.00: Walk and talk with writing partners

19.00 –: Dinner

Friday May 23

07.00 – 09.00: Breakfast

09.00 – 11.00: Writing-session

11.00 – 12.30: Feedback and evaluation

12.30 - 13.30: Lunch

Course leader 

Marit Haldar is professor of sociology at OsloMet and the director of DIGIT. Throughout her research-career she has been concerned with ideology and cultural analysis of childhood, old age, gender, family and (social) technology. She has also studied marginalized subjects in the welfare state and inequalities in treatment in the health care system from an ideological perspective. Haldar has broad and long experience with most qualitative methods and has developed new methods that are discussed in highly regarded international method literature (see Silverman, D. 2011, "Interpreting qualitative data", 4th ed. London: Sage). She has held courses in qualitative methods and writing courses at least once a year since 2011 and has extensive experience in providing feedback on texts in both the humanities and social sciences. 

Please feel free to contact the DIGIT coordinator should you have any questions.

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