Welcome to CEDIC Talks, a webinar series where we invite national and international researchers to hold open guest lectures on social and political consequences of digitization.
“Digital consultations in general practice in Denmark”
With Associate Professor Anette Grønning from University of Southern Denmark
In Denmark, medical consultations and the institutional practice of going to the doctor have been expanded upon over the past decade, with e-mail consultations (e-consultations) now supplementing conventional consultations. As a form of communication with different constraints than face-to-face and telephonic communication, e-consultations are likely to both afford some benefits and present struggles. In this article, I examine the use and perception of primary care e-consultations from the perspective of the patient. The study is based on qualitative interviews with 20 patients and guided by the following research question: How do patients struggle with and master digital participation during e-consultations? The study demonstrates that e-consultations are more than a digital access point to the healthcare system: patients often struggle to maintain contact with their general practitioner, and econsultations can help them navigate the healthcare system. Indeed, those who master this form of communication are appreciative of it and perceive it as screen care.
The talk will be in English
Anette Grønning
Anette Grønning holds a PhD in digital communication and is associate professor at the Department of Design, Media and Educational Science, University of Southern Denmark. Since 2003, Grønning’s research has focused on digital communication and social media, primarily in different workplace settings. Her research interests include various aspects of digital communication such as mediated discourse, memory, participation and social presence. Grønning is leading the project ‘Digital consultation’, funded by the Velux Foundations, and the Danish part of the project ‘Demography and Democracy – Healthy Ageing in A Digital World’, funded by the Kamprad Family Foundation.
What is CEDIC Talks?
The Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) is the host institution for the research school DIGIT. CEDIC has a monthly lecture series called CEDIC Talks, that aims to broaden our knowledge and awareness about ongoing research in Europe about digitalization processes and their social consequences.
The lectures are open, and both DIGIT members and others are welcome to participate.