3-day academic writing retreat with DIGIT
Welcome to the writing retreat hosted by NORD university in Saltstraumen, Bodø! The retreat is designed to give you a break away from daily commitments to provide protected time for individual writing. We will be staying in a small hotel close to the tidal current, with excellent food and spectacular views of the Børvasstindan mountains.
Are you interested in joining the retreat? We only have 12 spots, please register your interest below!
Writing Retreat
at Saltstraumen Hotel
When: 13-15 February 2024
Registration deadline: 9 January 2024
Registration: https://nettskjema.no/a/388294 (Your place is not reserved until you hear back from us)
Prerequisites: A paper draft (2000-4000 words) must be submitted in English or a Scandinavian language by 1 February at the latest. Please upload your draft paper draft here: https://nettskjema.no/a/388297
The writing retreat is available to DIGIT members from the classes of 2022 and 2023. In the event of receiving more applications than available spots, our priority will be determined primarily by motivation and the perceived need for participation in the writing retreat.
DIGIT will cover economy travel and full board at the hotel.
The workshop is designed to give you a break away from daily commitments to provide protected writing time for individual writing. Besides time for active writing of individual draft papers there will be time for peer-to-peer feedback sessions, walk-and-talk, as well as receiving feedback and guidance from the course leaders.
You will be allocated writing partners in groups of three. You present your individual work to your fellow colleagues and to the course leaders, and additionally act as discussant of the work of the two other group members.
The aim is to create an inclusive and safe social group dynamic, where we discuss each other’s work and inspire each other with engaged, constructive and respectful feedback. As the participants in the workshop will follow an all-day program, we require participants to join the complete program and put aside other commitments during the stay to protect the concentration and the time dedicated to our writing.
The workshop will be led by Anne-Jorunn Berg and Robert Bye. Read more about their background below.
Scroll down to view the preliminary program.
About Bodø and Saltstraumen
Bodø is located just north of the Polar Circle in a Pite and Lule Sami area. The city is elected the 2024 cultural capital of Europe.
Saltstraumen is an impressive sight (see more at visitbodo.com or Wikipedia). We will be staying in the small Saltstraumen hotel close to the tidal current, with excellent food and spectacular views of the Børvasstindan mountains.
Preliminary program
Tuesday 13. February
10:30 Collective departure from Bodø airport
11.30 – 12.30 Lunch
12:30 – 12:45 Brief presentation and information
12:45 - 13:00 How to give constructive feedback
13:00 – 15.00 Group work with paper presentation, discussion and feedback
15.00 – 15.30 Snack break
15.30 – 19.30 Writing-session
19.30 Dinner
Wednesday 14. February
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:00 – 12:00 Writing-session
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:30 Walk and talk with writing partners – strongest maelstrom at 14:00
14:30 – 16:00 Writing-session
16:00 – 16:30 Snack break
16:30 – 19.00 Writing session
19.00 - Dinner
Thursday 15. February
08.00 – 09.00 Breakfast
09.00 – 12.00 Writing-session
12:00 – 13.00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Group work discussion, feedback and evaluation
15:00 - 15:30 Collective feedback and evaluation
15:30 Collective departure to the airport
Course leader
Anne-Jorunn Berg is a Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nord University. Her areas of expertise include Gender Studies, Science Technology Studies (STS), Feminist Theory, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Research Methods, and Postcolonial Theory. Berg's research focuses on areas such as methodology, ICTs, materialities, and gender. Her work is particularly concerned with knowledge production - especially scientific knowledge. She is interested in knowledge as a collective transdisciplinary project, the usefulness of thinking knowledge in the plural as knowledges, the strength of partial perspectives, material heterogeneity and the importance of situating our knowledge. Her research is inspired by the works of biologist and feminist science theorist Donna Haraway, with a particular focus on using Haraway’s concepts of "material semiotics" and "companion species” as tools for exploring lived life (human as well as non-human). Berg sits as the chairperson of the DIGIT board.
Course leader
Robert Bye is an Associate Professor at Nord University at the Faculty of Social Sciences. He served as Vice Dean for Education from 2020 to 2021. Bye obtained his Ph.D. in science and technology studies from NTNU in 2008. His research has focused on use, user involvement and domestication of buildings and in building processes. Currently, his research interests are also focused on different aspects of knowledge and knowledge production and the role of large language models, as well as understandings of digitalization and technology in knowledge-intensive work. These topics are also reflected in his teaching in two master programmes at Nord university, Master of knowledge management and master’s in Social Analysis.
Please feel free to contact the DIGIT coordinator should you have any questions.